Growth in the advertising market

In the first quarter of 2024 the total advertising investments amounted to 4 billion DKK, which corresponds to an increase of 1,7% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The recession has finally lost its grip of the Danish advertising market after a full year 2023 that saw the advertising investments fall to 16,3 billion DKK, a decline of -2,6%.


Rapporten indeholder annonceomsætning for Dagblade, Lokale og regionale ugeaviser, Købte magasiner, Fagblade og tidsskrifter, Outdoor, TV, Biograf, Radio, Podcast og Internet (bannere & partnerskaber, native, markedspladser, sociale netværk, søgeordsannoncering) . 28 sider på engelsk. Købe rapporten her.